Leadership (9LEA)

Concept 1: Active Listening

Active listening is the foundation of communication. It is a skill that helps us deepen understanding of experiences, thoughts and feelings of others.

Starting with Active Listening helps to set positive social norms and provides a forum for relationship building in our class.

Lesson 2: Introduction to Active Listening

Success Criteria:

  • I know what active listening is.

  • I understand why active listening is important in leadership.

Do Now: Opening Circle Statement

Do Now:

1) Put your bags under the SIDE benches.

2) Sit in a circle.

3) Think about a time you had something to say and no one would listen to you. How did you feel, or what did you do?

What do we all need to agree to do so that we all feel respected and willing to participate?

One person talks at a time. No put-downs. Stay open to different opinions...

Do Now: Listening Lines

Do Now:

1) Choose ONE partner.

2) The first person will have ONE minute to share an experience they had of not being listened to.

What was it like?

How could you tell you were not being heard?

3) Switch the speaker and listener roles. Now this time, the new listener will turn their back on the speaker.

What was it like to be in that situation?

Intro to Active Listening

Lesson 3: Active Listening in Group Decision Making

Success Criteria:

  • I understand how good listening skills are linked to group decision making and being a dependable leader.

Do Now: Opening Circle Statement

Do Now:

1) Put your bags under the SIDE benches.

2) Sit in a circle.

3) Think of a group that you are part of (e.g. sport, cultural...) Describe it in your book.

What do we all need to agree to do so that we all feel respected and willing to participate?

One person talks at a time. No put-downs. Stay open to different opinions...

Active Listening in Group Decision Making

Concept 2: Working as a Team

Lesson 4: Team Work

Success Criteria:

  • I can work as a team with my peers.

Do Now: Opening Circle Statement

Do Now:

1) Sit in your allocated seat.

2) Tuck your bag under your desk.

3) Think of a time when you relied on someone else. Describe it in your book.

What do we all need to agree to do so that we all feel respected and willing to participate?

One person talks at a time. No put-downs. Stay open to different opinions...

Team Work

Lesson 5: Making Decisions

Success Criteria:

  • I understand different forms of decision making.

Do Now: Opening Circle Statement

Do Now:

1) Think of a decision you made or were part of recently.

2) Describe it in your book.

What do we all need to agree to do so that we all feel respected and willing to participate?

One person talks at a time. No put-downs. Stay open to different opinions...

Making Decisions

Concept 3: Facilitation

Lesson 6: Introduction to Facilitation

Success Criteria:

  • I understand the roles of a facilitator

  • I know basic group facilitation techniques

Do Now: News Breaker

Do Now:

1) Take 1 coloured paper

2) Write down a current topic in the news you feel strongly about.

3) On the other side, write down two discussion questions you can imagine asking the class about the topic.

Hand them to the teacher, we will be using these later.

Introduction to Facilitation

Lesson 7: Murder Mystery Mayhem

Success Criteria:

  • I know the importance of organisation and facilitation when trying to accomplish a group task.

Murder Mystery Mayhem

Lesson 8: Facilitation Challenges and Solutions

Success Criteria:

  • I can work as a team with my peers.

Facilitation Challenges and Solutions

Lesson 9: Exploring Situational Leadership

Success Criteria:

  • I can identify and practice effective strategies for addressing challenges in group facilitation and leadership.

Situational Leadership

Concept 4: Leadership

Lesson 10: Definitions of Leadership

Success Criteria:

  • I can identify what I think makes a good leader.

Definitions of Leadership

Lesson 11: Qualities of Leadership

Success Criteria:

  • I explored definitions and characteristics of leadership.

  • I can apply the definitions and characteristics of leadership to myself and my community.

Qualities of Leadership

Lesson 12: Leadership in a Community Context

Success Criteria:

  • I can apply our class definition of leadership to the context of my community.

Leadership in Community Context

Lesson 13: Responsibilities of Leadership

Success Criteria:

  • I explored the responsibilities that go with leadership roles.

Responsibilities of Leadership

Lesson 14: Leadership Goals

Success Criteria:

  • I have identified my goals for personal skill, attitude development.

  • I understand the importance of reflection.

Leadership Goals

Lesson 15: Values and Identity

Success Criteria:

  • I understand how personal values affect leadership.

  • I know why it is important for groups to encourage diversity rather than suppress it.

Values and Identity

Lesson 16: Value Priorities

Success Criteria:

  • I have reflected on my values and how I prioritise my values.

Value Priorities

Lesson 17: Personal Asset Mapping

Success Criteria:

  • I learned more about my peers and reflected on the strengths of our group as a community.

Personal Asset Mapping

Lesson 18: Youth-Adult Power in Organisations

Success Criteria:

  • I have developed an awareness of power and who is making decisions in organisations.

Youth-Adult Power in Organisations

Ongoing Project

Facilitating Whanaungatanga at Hui Arotahi