2.6 Ecological Patterns


Fundamentals of Ecology

Investigating Stratification

Assessment Information

Summary of the Internal

Video specifically about the MRGS 2.6 assessment.

I created this video in 2020, and it still fully applies to the 2.6 assessment in 2021.
2.6 Student Instructions.docx

Student Instructions

These are the set of instructions you will see in the first pages of your actual assessment booklet. It details the amount of time you get, and what resources will be allowed in the classroom.
AS91158 (2.6 Ecology).pdf

Official Achievement Standard Documentation

NZQA documentation for this Level 2 Biology Achievement Standard. This is applied consistently throughout all schools across the country.

Refer to these while Writing your Report Draft

First, do your research on the different plant species found at Arataki forest. Then look at the Assessment Rubric to see what you've got to cover to obtain Achieved, Merit, and Excellence grades.

After that, you will be ready to write your report draft. Use either Sample Data #1 or Sample Data #2 to base your report draft off. Write your report draft on a copy of the Report Draft Template in Google Classroom. Get feedback after writing a draft for EACH SECTION, by handing-in your work on Google Classroom.

Arataki Species - Recommended Links
2.6 Retrieval Grid
Plant Adaptations: Collaborative Document
2.6 Ecology Marking Criteria.docx

Assessment Rubric

WARNING: This is the student version from past years. This is subject t change. If you're unsure about something, ask Ms. Adviento.
2.6 FULL Checklist

2.6 Assessment Report Checklist

Refer to this checklist as you write drafts for your report. It will guide you with your report structure.
Sample data 1 & 2 for 2.6
2.6 Report Draft (ADE 2020)

The Field Trip to Arataki Forest, Waitakere Ranges

On Week 3 of Term 1, there will be a 12BIO field trip to Arataki forest in the Waitakere Ranges. Attendance is compulsory, because it's your only chance to authentically experience learning about stratification in a New Zealand native forest.

The fee is $21. Make your payment and return your permission slip directly to the Accounts office in Admin Block - as soon as possible!

Want to get an idea of what the trip was like? Here's a video I created from last year's trip. This video is also a great way to revise for the internal.

Common Misconceptions

Getting mixed up between mutualism and commensalism.

  • Mutualism is where BOTH species benefit from the relationship.

  • Commensalism is where ONE species benefits, while the other species is not benefited or harmed.

Confusion between ecological niche and habitat.

  • Ecological niche is not the same as habitat. Habitat is just where an organism lives.

  • Ecological niche is a description of how an organism obtains resources from the habitat (adaptations to obtain food, water, shelter), evade predators, and withstand physical conditions. Ecological niche is a more complex concept than habitat.

Talking about plants that are NOT in your profile diagram.

  • The misconception is that students are talking about plants in the paragraphs of their report, but some of these plants are not even in the profile diagram. This is incorrect.

  • This internal is all about analysing the profile diagram you have created. You cannot make up any new trees or new abiotic factors. You can only discuss the species that are present in your profile diagram.

Misconceptions with the abiotic data.

  • The misconception is that data measured at 2 metres indicates abiotic factors in the subcanopy strata. This is incorrect.

  • Data measured on the ground, in the forest indicates abiotic factors in the ground strata.

  • Data measured at 1 metre high indicates abiotic factors in the ground OR in the shrub layer. This depends on which layer 1 metre is at in your Profile Diagram.

  • Data measured at 2 metres high indicates abiotic factors in the shrub layer.

  • Data measured in the canopy indicates abiotic factors in the canopy layer.

  • Humidity measured "in forest" indicates humidity in the layers below the canopy (i.e. ground layer, shrub layer, and subcanopy layer).