Active Listening
Active listening is the foundation of communication. It is a skill that helps us deepen understanding of experiences, thoughts and feelings of others. Starting with Active Listening helps to set positive social norms and provides a forum for relationship building in our class.
Concept 1.1 Introduction to Active Listening
Concept 1.1 Introduction to Active Listening
Success Criteria By the end of this lesson I will understand what active listening is, why active listening is important, and the role of active listening in leadership.
Success Criteria By the end of this lesson I will understand what active listening is, why active listening is important, and the role of active listening in leadership.
Concept 1.2 Introduction to Active Listening
Concept 1.2 Introduction to Active Listening
Success Criteria By the end of this lesson, I will understand how good listening skills are linked to group decision making and to being a dependable leader.
Success Criteria By the end of this lesson, I will understand how good listening skills are linked to group decision making and to being a dependable leader.
Concept 1.3 Active Listening in a Fish Bowl
Concept 1.3 Active Listening in a Fish Bowl
Success Criteria By the end of this lesson, I will have practiced active listening by discussing my expectations and responsibilities as I role played community leaders.
Success Criteria By the end of this lesson, I will have practiced active listening by discussing my expectations and responsibilities as I role played community leaders.
This assessment will be due on Tuesday 7th March 2023. Submit a paper copy of your assessment to Ms. Adviento.
9LEA Assessment 1 - Active Listening.pdf