S1.10 Life Processes
Assessment Information
Achievement Standard 90949 (Science 21.10) - Internal worth 4 credits.
How will you be assessed? You will have 4 periods to conduct experiments and complete a written task during class time.
Is this an open-book or a closed-book assessment? Closed book, meaning you cannot have any notes with you.
What should you do to get a good grade? To get a good grade, make sure you attend all classes and complete the tasks I set in class submit on time, get feedback from me, listen to that feedback, and improve your work. Also, please remember that it is never too late to ask for help during class or lunch time tutoring sessions.
What is in the assessment? This assessment has two parts. You must complete both parts to pass:
The second part is on breathing and gas exchange:
You have to be able to:
Label the parts of the gas exchange and breathing systems.
Describe the function of parts of the gas exchange and breathing systems.
Explain the process of getting air into and out of the lungs (breathing in and breathing out)
Carry out an experiment and collect data on how the time spent exercising affects a humans breathing rate.
Draw a graph of the data you have collected.
Explain what the graph shows you about the effect of exercise on breathing rate.
Discuss the biological reasons why exercise has an affect on breathing rate.
Discuss what some data in a table says about exercise and breathing rate.
The first part is on seeds and germination:
You have to be able to:
Describe germination.
Draw and label the parts of a germinated seed.
Describe the function of the parts of a seed. The functions are to do with germination of the seed and then the growth of the seedling.
Draw a graph about seed germination from data that is given to you.
Explain what the graph shows you about the effect of temperature on germination.
Discuss the biological reasons why temperature has an affect on seed germination.
Discuss what is happening in a pre-drawn graph about temperature and germination.
Common Mistakes
Not linking the germination directly to the % or number of seeds that germinate at different temperatures.
Not putting units when stating the temperatures.
Not linking enzymes and temperatures back to the graph.
Not saying how you determined the optimum temperature.
Not linking respiration back to the starch in the cotyledon/saying where the starch is.
Not stating that the cotyledon is made of starch.
Not stating that enzymes control the breakdown of the starch into glucose.
Not stating the glucose is used during respiration and energy is released.
Not stating that the energy is used by the seed to grow a radicle and then a plumule.
Not using the words active site or substrate correctly (or at all).
Not using the word denature and/or describing that the active site of the enzyme changes shape at high temperatures.
Not saying what evidence led to you description of the optimum temperature for wheat seed germination.
Not stating that low temperatures lead to slow moving enzymes/substrate and no reaction… THAT LEADS TO NO GERMINATION because…
Not having labels or units or a title on the graph.
Explain what happens if the starch is not broken down (no glucose = no respiration = no energy = no germination.
Not stating the rate of reaction is fastest at the enzymes optimum temperature. And forgetting to say what this leads to…
Using words like “germinate better” or “germinate worst”. What does that actually mean and what is your evidence that this is true?
Not backing up statements with facts (“I know this because 0% of the seeds germinated because…”
Not making the sequential steps clear, e.g.
No functioning enzyme no break down of starch no glucose no respiration no energy no chemical reactions of germination no radicle and plumule = no germination