1. Bacteria
Success Criteria
Your learning has been successful if you can do the following:
I can name all of the parts of a generalised bacteria and describe their function.
I can describe how bacteria carry out reproduction.
To be able to describe and give reasons for the stages in a bacterial growth curve.
To be able to describe how bacteria gain nutrients from food.
To be able to describe the differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration
Learn these so you can communicate this concept well.
Bacterium: The plural of bacteria.
Function: What a structure in a living thing does.
Binary fission: Bacteria make a copy of their cell contents and then split into two cells, identical to the original cell.
Toxins: Substances like CO2 (and sulphites, nitrites, ammonia and…) that at high enough levels cause cell death.
Heterotroph: Organism that can not make their own food – they must consume other things to gain nutrients and energy.
Respiration: The breaking down of glucose to release energy the cell can use to carry out life processes.