Physical World
Forces and Motion - 2020 Lockdown Version
Lesson Slides
Please use these lesson slides to learn at your own pace at home. There are 9 sub-topics in Forces and Motion, and they must be done in a particular order (Introduction to Forces > Motion > Mass vs Weight, and Calculating Forces > Balanced vs Unbalanced Forces > Reaction Forces > Free Body Diagrams and Net Force > Distance, Speed, Time > Acceleration > Distance-Time and Speed-Time Graphs). I will be creating a video for each sub-topic.
Tasks for Video 1: Introduction to Forces
Tasks for Video 2: Effects of Forces, and Motion
Go to Slide 9. Choose at least 3 out of the 6 videos to watch. After watching the videos, write a summary about forces in your Science book.
What are forces? Give examples of a force.
Where do forces come from?
What can forces do?
How do forces impact the way we live?
Go to Slide 20. For each of the GIFs, write an answer to the following questions in your Science book.
What are the forces in action?
Where is each force coming from?
How does each force change an object's motion or change its shape?
Log into your Education Perfect account. Do the task called 'Introduction to Forces'.
Do at least one of these worksheets:
Introduction to Forces - Part 1 (Easy)
Introduction to Forces - Part 2 (Medium)
Introduction to Forces - Part 3 (Harder)
OPTIONAL: Create a picture book or a comic strip aimed at 5 year olds, that tells a story of how forces change the motion and/or shape of everyday objects.
Tasks for Video 3: Mass vs Weight, and Calculating Force
Go to Slide 38. Calculate the weight force of the same astronaut on the Moon, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter. Show your working in your book. The calculation for earth has already been done as an example.
Log into your Education Perfect account. Do the task called 'Gravity, and Mass vs Weight'.
Do these worksheets:
Mass vs Weight, and Calculating Force (Medium)
Calculating Forces Using 'F = m x a' (Medium)
Tasks for Video 4: Free Body Diagrams & Net Force
Go to Slide 46-49. In your Science book draw a free body diagram of the airplane (slide 46), man-snail (slide 47), swimming donut (slide 48), and the rocket launch (slide 49).
Log into your Education Perfect account. Do the task called 'Free Body Diagrams & Net Force'.
Do these worksheets:
Free Body Diagrams & Net Forces - Part 1 (Very easy)
Free Body Diagrams & Net Forces - Part 2. (Harder)
Tasks for Video 5: Balanced vs Unbalanced Forces
Tasks for Video 6: Reaction Forces
Watch this video I made about Reaction Forces.
Then watch these videos (below) about friction forces.
Log into your Education Perfect account. Do the task called 'Reaction Forces'.
Do the worksheet (left), and submit to Google Classroom.
Reaction Forces
Tasks for Video 7: Speed, Time, Distance, and Acceleration
Go to Slide 72. In your Science book:
List as many units you can think of that we use to measure distance, time, or speed.
List as many measuring tools you can think of that we use to measure distance, time, or speed.
Go to slide 74. Solve the problem in your Science book. Show your working, and include the units.
Go to slide 75. Solve the problem in your Science book. Show your working, and include the units.
Log into your Education Perfect account. Do the task called 'Speed, Time, Distance, and Acceleration'.