Material World
1) States of Matter
2) Gas Tests
3) Atoms, Elements, & the Periodic Table
4) Non-Metals vs Metals
5) Pure Substances, Compounds, & Mixtures
6) Separation Techniques
7) Physical vs Chemical Change
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Assessment Information
Assessment Information
Material World is the junior version of Chemistry, which is the study of what 'matter' is made of, its behaviour and properties.
In Year 9, there is a large focus on the elements of the Earth, as well as compounds and mixtures, and how these types of matter can be separated from each other.
Material World is assessed in the following ways:
2 x Practical Assessments
Gases and their tests
Solve the mystery (Chromatography)
1 x Topic Test
1 x End of Year Exam
Revision Stuff
Revision Stuff